Is the Flu Making a Comeback?

Like many others, people want to know what to do until they can see a doctor. 

“The line had 27 people in front of me, snaking out the door of City MD.”

It’s that time of year again—cold and flu season. According to, each year approximately 5 to 20 percent of Americans come down with the flu. Colds generally do not cause serious complications, but they are among the leading reasons for visiting a doctor and for missing school or work. National institute of health

Fortunately, we at LaCura are here to share some natural remedies and things you can do to fight off the flu, a virus, a cold, and to relieve symptoms. These are things you can begin doing already to boost your immune system.

What Is the Flu?

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. These viruses spread through the air from person to person. The symptoms are typically more severe than the common cold and include body aches, fatigue and headaches.

Signs and symptoms of flu may include:

  • Fever, headaches
  • Cough, sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle or body aches, fatigue
  • Vomiting, diarrhea

People with a depressed immune system or nutrient deficiencies may also be more prone to catching the flu, a cold or a  virus. Stress, lack of sleep and exposure to toxins can worsen flu symptoms.

Flu vs. the Common Cold

The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms, but they’re caused by different viruses. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a cold and the flu, but usually influenza symptoms are generally much more intense.

With a cold, it’s common to experience mild cold symptoms, like a runny nose and congestion. The flu is more likely to cause body aches, fever and headache, and it may cause serious health problems, like bacterial infections, pneumonia and even hospitalization.


12 Tips To Ease the Symptoms

1. Stay home and get plenty of rest.

2. Take an antiviral.

3. Treat aches and fever.

4. Take care of your cough.

5. Sit in a steamy bathroom/take a steam shower.

6. Run the humidifier.

7. Try a lozenge.

8. Get saline nose drops or spray.

9. Sleep with an extra pillow - this helps your sinuses drain.

10. Gargling with warm salt water.

11. Chicken soup

A study from the University of Nebraska Medical Center found chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce a cold's unpleasant side effects.

Chicken soup isn't just warm and comforting. A study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics found that a compound in chicken soup called carnosine can help the body's immune system fight off the flu in its early days. A previous study published in the journal Chest, suggested that chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory effect that may ease symptoms and shorten upper respiratory tract infections. everydayhealth

12. Drink plenty of fluids - especially honey and tea.

Honey  has natural antiviral and antimicrobial properties."

Add  to a cup of ginger or cinnamon tea to relieve a scratchy throat and stay hydrated. Herbal teas, like green and black teas, are potent immune system boosters and antioxidants.

piedmont medical

Bonus tip:

Get Fresh Air - Indoor winter environments can be a source of concentrated toxins and germs. The dry air we inhale as we heat our homes during the winter makes airways more reactive and sensitive to viruses.

An added bonus to time spent outdoors in the winter is the extra bit of sunlight you receive.


Essential Oils - Vitamins - Herbs

Feeling weak? Coming down with something such as a  sore throat and  running nose? Propolis, Echinacea, Elderberry, Vitamin C - these all boost the immune system 

  • Echinacea
  • Elderberry
  • Zinc
  • Propolis
  • Probiotics - Restoring the beneficial bacteria in your gut can help with boosting your immune system significantly.



A blood test is recommended to test for mineral and vitamin levels.

Test for vitamin D levels, magnesium, Zinc, Iron and B12.

Some Doctors do not provide this blood work due to what insurance covers. They say to take Vitamin D because everyone is deficient, however you need to know the levels, as well as that of other vitamins etc.  so that you could compare it 3 months later and then take a preventative dose if your levels are normal. 

  • Vitamin C
  • Glutathione
  • Vitamin D - Normal range - should be around 60-80, yet most of us are 30, and the immune system is not balanced if it’s at 30.
  • Vitamin D - Vitamin K - and Magnesium - all should be taken together. In order for the vitamin D to be activated, you need magnesium so that it will be absorbed.
  • 80% of people are low in magnesium because of the soil and therefore the vitamin D you take could take magnesium from the body. Too much vitamin D causes calcification so take these together.

Doctors are now talking about Vitamin D levels- what about the others?


Essential Oils for Flu Symptoms

Oils can be inhaled, put in a diffuser and are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream through massage by rubbing into the skin every 3-4 hours  with a carrier oil. Some oils by LaCura can be ingested as well in capsules with instructions provided. 

  • Oregano oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Frankincense oil
  • Clove oil- antimicrobial and antioxidant. Antimicrobial An antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth such as clove essential oil - as research
  • Grape seed oil
  • Tea tree oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Pine needle oil
  • Rosemary, Lemon & Orange oils are all antioxidants.
  • Antioxidant: when we breathe air and eat food, the body breaks down the food and freezes oxygen, and flows in the system without attaching and damaging the cells.
  • Rosemary gets into the body and attaches to the cell and helps eliminate free radicals out of the body. By removing free radicals the body can act in a healthier way and doesn’t have disturbances.


  • Essential oils for the lungs - open the lungs & release mucus
  • To open the sinuses: Tea tree, Cajeput, Peppermint & Clove essential oils.
  • Lacura l is a great antioxidant - lemon - ginger - orange
  • 4Kids: LaCura 4Kids Rub for Sinus - includes Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Peppermint essential oils - to be rubbed on the lung area, put in a diffuser

These oils work for the sinuses, the respiratory system and strengthen the immune system.



  • Oregano
  • Olive Leaf
  • Pau’ D Arco - use as a tea
  • Grape Seed Extract

Much like the common cold, the flu often just needs time to work its way through your body, so allow your body rest, relaxation and time to heal.

**As always, contact your doctor right away if you get the flu and you have a chronic medical condition or you are pregnant. Also, get medical care if you experience flu complications, such as pneumonia.

About the author, Liat Chiprut

Liat Chiprut is a Functional Medicine Practitioner and licensed pharmacist. As an essential oil expert, Liat spent years researching and training on the root cause of disease and how to prevent illness and heal the body naturally. Her mission is creating new blends and helping all those that want to heal naturally have the information and products to do so.