The Best Gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day

Published on May 16, 2023 at Los Angeles Confidential


An essential oils company, LaCura is a premium health and wellness product that provides the perfect balance between relaxation and rejuvenation. LaCura C for Calmness is specifically formulated with cinnamon to balance the immune system and the adrenal glands, lavender and marjoram to reduce stress, and basil which has calming effects to improve your mood so your parents can sleep more easily. The LaCura C is made with high-quality natural ingredients that promote better sleep, reduce stress, and support a healthy immune system. Their essential oils are packed with calming constituents and antioxidants that help nourish your body from the inside out. LaCura’s blend is one of the only essential oil blends on the market that can be digested for even better results and aid in sleep - all of which parents of any age need.

Whether you want to improve your parents’ sleep quality or boost their overall health, LaCura is the perfect solution for mom’s and dad’s wellness needs.

About the author, Liat Chiprut

Liat Chiprut is a Functional Medicine Practitioner and licensed pharmacist. As an essential oil expert, Liat spent years researching and training on the root cause of disease and how to prevent illness and heal the body naturally. Her mission is creating new blends and helping all those that want to heal naturally have the information and products to do so.

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